Spordiklubi Reval-Sport

  • The Biggest sports club in Tallinn

Fitness Test

All the club members can get comprehensive advice, help, and support we provide through personal trainer service. The services of a support trainer are free for every Take the Reval Sport fitness test! 
The test shows your overall physical fitness level and health status. It will also help you choose the right physical load and the styles most appropriate for you.
Every member who has signed a one-year membership agreement can take the first test free of charge. In case of a no-show, the fitness club member loses the opportunity to pass the test for free.

The fitness test costs €15 for members who have bought a package. Should a member book a paid test and not show up, the test must be compensated for in the amount of 50%.

Before the Test:
please make sure to come on time to allow the test to start at the agreed time. Being in a hurry or nervous before the test may affect the results;
there must be at least a 7-day interval between the last episode of illness and the fitness test. Taking the test being ill or recovering does not reflect your real health status, thus, the given recommendations will be inaccurate;
should you decide to cancel the booking, please make sure to inform us of the fact by phone in advance;
it is recommended not to attend any trainings and avoid physical load one day prior to the test;
the last meal you have had must be at least 1.5 hours prior to the test;
you cannot smoke or drink alcohol prior to the test;
the fitness test takes place on a cyclorgometre – make sure to wear comfortable sport shoes;
make sure to wear comfortable sportswear;
please make sure to inform the assistant whether you have a pacemaker, suffer from heart or lung diseases, or whether you are taking any medication. If you find that the assistant should know more about your health, please make sure to inform them of the fact.
should you have any questions about the fitness test, do not hesitate to ask the assistant prior to its start.

Data and Measurements:
Notify your name, surname, and the date of birth to the assistant;
It would be also desirable to know both your height and weight;
Your blood pressure and fat percentage ratio are measured, and the results, compared to the standard.
Fitness Test:
Prior to the test, a heart rate sensor is placed around your chest, which should be in contact with the skin. Please consider the choice of clothing.
During the test, the physical load is increased in accordance with the test protocol. Please inform the assistant if you start feeling bad, are in pain, cannot tolerate the increased physical load, or just want to cancel the test for any other personal reason.
It is not recommended to speak during the test as your respiratory pattern can be disrupted, affecting the test results through the increased heart rate. 
During the test, please pedal at the pace of more than 60 rpm. Lasting pedalling at the pace of below 60 rpm demonstrates your fatigue, and the test has to be stopped. 
There is no marked test duration: the test is completed once you have achieved 85% of the maximum heart rate.
Completing the test, under no circumstances stop pedalling - the assistant gradually decreases the physical load so that you can choose the suitable pedalling pace. 
Recovering from the fitness test, your test results are summarised as well as the recommendations for future training sessions, given.

FITNESS TEST  - physical load, weekly training plan, fat percentage measured electronically, and counseling.

It is possible to make a booking for a fitness test only through the support trainer, to do that one has to be a club member.

Further information available by phone: +372 6 412 068.