Spordiklubi Reval-Sport

  • The Biggest sports club in Tallinn


Striding is a new and innovative concept in group fitness. Striding is an extremely effective training program performed on a revolutionary eco-friendly and space efficient mechanical treadmill. There is no need for electrical energy for the treadmill to work, only energy generated by human kinetic movement. 

This innovative new training system not only allows the body to burn a significant number of calories in just one lesson, Striding also targets the body’s trouble zones- the hips, thighs, gluteus muscles and calves by incorporating muscle specific exercises during each class. 

Movements on the treadmill are amplified in general by the resistance provided when working on an inclined anti-slip surface, therefore, compelling the body to train not only aerobically but also anaerobically. 

Striding offers an effective, fun and stimulating training program for clients of all ages and fitness levels.